
Geo-tourism sites identified in State

Published on Sep 5, 2016



DIMAPUR, SEPTEMBER 4: Department of Geology and Mining, during its feasibility studies for promotion of geo-tourism sector in the State, has identified some prospective geo-tourism sites in Phek and Kiphire districts. Some prospective sites identified for geo-tourism included Waziho and Moki under Phek district and Avankhu, the last Naga village on Indo-Myanmar border- in Kiphire district. Salumi and Mimi limestone deposit and caves in Kiphire district and geological heritage sites at Luthur near Pungro of Kiphire district were also identified. With the identification of geo-tourism spots, the department intended to conduct studies in all districts and spread the potentialities of geo-tourism in rural areas providing basic facilities and infrastructure. This was disclosed at 36th State Geological Programming Board held recently in the Directorate of Geology and Mining. It was also informed that Seismology and Disaster Management are two important diversified activities of the Directorate of Geology and Mining involve in monitoring, mitigation and conducting of public awareness on earthquakes, landslides, geo-environmental care and other geo hazards. In order to monitor the occurrence of earthquake in Nagaland and its adjoining area, a Seismic sub-net station has been set up through the remotely installed Digital Seismic Observations of nine numbers and two numbers of GPS stations along with two numbers of Automatic Weather Stations (AWS) in Nagaland with the support of Council of Scientific & Industrial Research-North East Institute of Science and Technology (CSIR-NEIST), Government of India, under collaborative programme. The department apprised that in its 2015-16 activities undertaken under collaborative programme with CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat, and the State Disaster Management Authority (SDMA) Nagaland, a joint venture project on Seismic Microzonation of Dimapur city was prepared which is under submission to the State government for approval. It said a detail investigation of landslide affected area at Assam Riffle camp Kohima is in progress and a project proposal on landslides investigation and mitigation of Nagaland have been prepared and submitted to Ministry of Mines for sponsorship. The two rivers Dhansiri and Chathe are to be protected from unprecedented pollution like air, water and health hazards and it is for Dimapur to tackle the worst if not checked at this age, maintained the department with their geo-technical and geo-environmental studies of Dhansiri and Chathe rivers. It further suggested that Dhansiri and Chathe are the two main rivers that can serve human needs in all aspects and government initiative is of utmost importance in controlling specifically man made hazardous activities and that the flood control boards, in any manner, should be more sound and active.