Principal Correspondent
Kohima, November 21
A workshop on dissemination of National Youth Policy 2014 and Advocacy for State Youth Policy was jointly organised by Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development (RGNIYD) Sriperumbudur and Department of Youth resources and Sports, Government of Nagaland at ATI Kohima today.
In his inaugural address at ATI Kohima, Commissioner & Secretary YRS Menukhol John said that Youth policy should focus on specific requirement of the Naga youths so as to create a productive workforce.He said even as the state has high literacy rate, it is a matter of serious consideration on the non-employability of the educated youths in the state.
Expressing that educated youths cannot be considered unemployed but they could be under employed, he said educated youths should be able to take different forms of trade. Nevertheless, he lamented that Nagas lacked hard-work and positive mindset to take job.
He opined that similar workshops should be conducted to strengthen and change the mindset of the Naga people.
He hoped that the workshop would come up with usable and doable youth policy considering the specific requirement of the Naga youths.
He also urged upon the youths of the state to take the lead in creating awareness on civic sense starting from their homes to neighbourhood and to the society.
Making an introduction on the workshop, Faculty Head RGNIYD Dr. K. Gireeson said that the workshop aims to draw a state specific youth policy which would enable the young minds of Nagaland to transform from being beneficiaries to a subject or contributor.
The workshop would also focus to examine the initiatives and interventions for youth development in the State.
He also said that the workshop is organized with an objective to make the stakeholders understand and appreciate the vision, objectives, priority areas and future policy imperatives of the National Youth Policy 2014.
Director YRS Nagaland, Kelei Zeliang said that Nagaland State Youth policy was enacted in 2006 but it in under revision since 2012 while draft of the revised State Youth Policy is now under submission to the government for examination and approval. He also encouraged the youths to bring about more positive suggestion to be included in the draft youth policy of the state through the workshop. PIO YRS K. Libemo Jami chaired the inaugural programme.