Published on Feb 9, 2024
DIMAPUR — A two-day education workshop on dissemination of learning competencies at the middle and secondary level as per National Curriculum Framework (NCF) 2023 called ‘Project Vidyasagar’ got underway on Thursday at ANMA Integrated Development Association (AIDA) Training Centre, Don Bosco campus, Dimapur.
NCERT and its National Assessment Centre PARAKH (Performance Assessment, Review and Analysis of Knowledge for Holistic Development) along with NBSE and PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PHDCCD) are conducting the workshop.
The aim of the workshop was to create awareness among school teachers about learning competencies at different levels of evaluation as per National Curriculum Framework, School Education 2023 (NCFSE, 2023), stated a DIPR report.
During the inaugural session, Dziesevolie Tsurho, NBSE academic officer, delivered the welcome address and welcomed the initiative of PARAKH NCERT and PHDCCI and thanked the team for organising the workshop in Dimapur, while Shalini S Sharma, assistant secretary general of PHDCCI, highlighted the context setting of the two-day workshop.
NBSE chairperson, Asano Sekhose, spoke on the objectives of the workshop and highlighted the performance of Nagaland in the NAS 2021. She also highlighted about the competency based assessment reforms, which the NBSE is implementing in the state.
Sekhose stated that NCF 2023 strongly emphasises the importance of the clear 'flow down' that must connect curricular goals to competencies of learning outcomes. She said that teachers should work towards achieving the learning outcomes to fulfill the curricular goals.
She further stated that one could expect a transformation in the ecosystem of school education only if “we all know the goals envisaged in the NEP 2020 and translate these goals into reality.” And for this to happen, she stated that all stakeholders need to join hands and work together and added that the role of the teacher is very crucial.
Prof. Indrani Bhaduri, head and CEO of PARAKH, NCERT, presented the keynote address and the theme of the workshop virtually from New Delhi.
Addressing 90 teachers from five districts namely Kohima, Dimapur, Chümoukedima, Peren and Niuland, Prof. Bhaduri emphasised that it was critical for teachers to understand learning competencies at foundational, preparatory, middle and secondary levels.
She informed that the assessment reforms under NEP 2020 focused on competency-based learning and moving away from rote learning. She added that ‘Project Vidyasagar’ was meant to create a momentum in education and a ripple effect of knowledge.
Prof. Bhaduri further exhorted every teacher to take the message of the workshop to more teachers to enable the ocean of learning grows bigger.
Report stated that the two-day workshop would have technical sessions on ‘Understanding large-scale assessments and interpreting results,’ ‘Understanding learning competencies at different levels,’ ‘Data-driven teaching and feedback strategies,’ and ‘How to assess learning outcomes’ with Prof. Vijayaa K, assistant professor of School Education, and Mohammad Ilyas from NCERT as resource persons.