
Why should you take Arts stream after Class 12?

Published on Mar 13, 2024

By Moakala T Aier


Arts stream
Dr. Nouzhienino Peseyie

DIMAPUR — As the new academic year is set to begin with the boards having conducted Class 12 examination and results are expected to be declared in a few weeks, students may feel anxious about selecting a career path. To help them make an informed decision about the courses they could pursue in degree, Eastern Mirror spoke to Dr. Nouzhienino Peseyie, Assistant Professor and HoD, Department of Psychology, Tetso College, with a special focus on the Arts stream (watch this space for details about Science and Commerce streams over the next two weeks).

Peseyie completed her PhD in Psychology from Martin Luther Christian University (MLCU) Shillong, Meghalaya. Her research spans the areas of emotional intelligence with a focus on exploring and unveiling the activity of students and their mental well-being, and is dedicated to ensuring research and increasing representation towards new opportunities to engage with the community.

In this interview, the scholar has provided invaluable insight into the factors one could consider when choosing a career path in the Arts stream after Class 12.

What strategies can students use to identify their interests and skills when choosing subjects and courses within the Arts stream?

Dr. Nouzhienino Peseyie
Dr. Nouzhienino Peseyie

It is crucial for students to seek a certified and a professional career counsellor, as a professionally trained career counsellor can assist students in the most appropriate way. First of all students should develop a deeper understanding of him/herself (self-awareness) which is one of the most important steps of the career path. Discovering oneself is the beginning of discovering one’s career. Hence, self-understanding is crucial for effective career decision-making.

Students can consider the following components:

  • Personal interests, desires and motivation

However, two crucial points to be noted about a student’s interests is that, interest can change and a high interest does not necessarily signify high ability. Merely being interested and motivated however strong his/her motivation, may not mean that a person can develop a sufficiently high level of skill to succeed in the face of competition.

  • Personal talents and aptitudes

Aptitudes are indications of innate capabilities that can be best developed for success in the future. Aptitudes tell us about latent qualities and abilities. Aptitude can be identified through aptitude tests that are used to unveil a person’s talents. However, it is very important to keep in mind that an aptitude test can function effectively only within clearly defined limits. If a test is used outside these limits, the result can be spurious and inaccurate.

  • Blending the interests and aptitudes

After the identification of interests and aptitudes, careful introspection and interaction should be followed as many at times the interests and aptitudes do not match. Meaning, where the student shows an interest in some careers, is not linked to some of his/ her aptitudes.

  • World of work

Students are often limited to the career options that they know or have heard about. Facilitating or self exploring and understanding of the world of work widens the young students’ horizons and helps develop skills to plot educational pathways. This includes skills for course selection, completion of courses and exploring and understanding the job market.

What are your thoughts on students selecting subjects primarily according to their Class 12 exam scores rather than their own interests?

Career choices which are not based on the student’s talents and potentials, and which are solely decided on the academic scores is highly linked to loss of focus on studies, dissatisfaction and ultimately leads to an ineffective career decision.

What insights would you offer to students who question the practical worth of an Arts degree in today's job market? 

“Why did you choose Arts? You should have opted for Science or Commerce for a reputable career!” is one very common statement for those pursuing Arts stream subjects in Class 12. Many assume that only academically weak students choose the arts stream. With changing times, globalization, and the emergence of new domains, a wide range of professional courses and other courses are now being offered in the fields of Arts or Humanities paving ways for better job prospects.

Could you share insights into the courses available for students in Arts stream after completing Class 12? 

Some courses available after class 12:

Some few specific subjects –  

Law, Economics, Geography, Literature, History, Sociology, Philosophy, Psychology, Journalism, Foreign Language, Music, Mass Communication, Physical Education, Social Work, Linguistics, Archaeology, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Communication Studies, International Relations, Informatics Practices.

Vocational Courses

Games/Culinary Arts –  

● Animation

● Computer Programming

● Game Designing

● Graphic Designing

● Chef Courses

Our community being from collectivistic societies, our family and society play a powerful role in the choices we make. Apparently, the individual is obliged to follow the community’s ways of thinking. I would urge the parents or guardians not to impose your unfulfilled dreams or your interests upon your kids. It is crucial to note that both the individuals and the family are important if appropriate career choices are to be made. Mutual discussion should be made and career should be opted based on careful introspection.

Could you provide an overview of potential career paths available in the Arts Stream?

With the growing competition in the job market, it is ideal in this present generation to opt for professional courses where the students can be self-sufficient after completion of degrees and not be dependent on the government or job institutions. There are a multitude of jobs available; I would like to convey to the students one important thought, that is, to explore beyond the traditional courses offered. Be aware of the career opportunities available based on your career option. Dream big, be persistent and be intrinsically motivated to excel.

What factors should one consider when changing their stream after Class 12? What according to you, consider a valid reason for this change, and is it advisable?

Factors such as interest, compatibility or blending the interests and aptitude as mentioned in the beginning should be considered. And the students should also look into the world of work and the career opportunities. If the students are not intrinsically motivated and when they are not capable of coping with or comprehending the concept of the course, it is advisable to change, based on the capability of the individual. However, changing courses can be very challenging for the student which can be apprehended if the career path is taken with utmost importance through proper career guidance from only a professionally trained career counsellor and not solely based on career fairs and talks.

Arts stream