Published on May 1, 2024
The 33-year-old, who has a Master's degree in Forensic Science from LNJN National Institute of Criminology and Forensic Science, Delhi, said that this job is a keeper as she had been drawn to it since she was a teenager.
The Sub-Inspector in the Delhi Police discusses the SSC CPO exam, covering prelims, mains, physical tests, and more, in an interview with Eastern Mirror, providing an insight for aspiring candidates.
Can you tell us something about the SSC CPO exam? Who is eligible to take the exam?
SSC CPO exam is conducted for the posts of Sub-Inspector in Delhi Police and Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs) consisting CISF, CRPF, SSB, BSF and ITBP. Post of Assistant Sub-Inspector in CISF is also filled through this exam. Any graduate is eligible for this exam.
Could you provide details about the two papers, including marks allocation and subjects covered?
SSC CPO Tier 1 paper is a computer-based online test comprising four sections – i) General English, ii) General Awareness, iii) General Intelligence and iv) Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude carrying 50 marks each. The second paper i.e., Tier-2 after PST/PET (Physical Standard Test/Physical Endurance Test) consists only of an English paper of 200 marks.
What did your study plan look like, and what advice would you offer aspirants in creating their own effective study plans?
For all SSC exams, it is best to focus more on test series from various online or offline sources. As I was preparing for civil services and with my comfort with mathematics, I did not prepare particularly for SSC CPO. For about a month leading up to the exam, I consistently took online test series to improve my performance in time management and to maximise my score.
For those who do not have good command in math, I would suggest to keep practising previous years’ question papers and solve them both in basic method and shortcut method. One can learn shortcut methods from YouTube or any online platform. But try to keep just one math ‘guru’. Learning too many tricks for one type of question only creates confusion during examinations. Results are more fruitful when one is focused on one competitive exam or similar exam pattern and syllabus.
What study materials and resources did you find helpful in preparing for the prelims?
I relied on all the test series even for current affairs and general studies. Unlike preparation for civil services, daily newspaper analysis is not required. For the latest update of current developments, one can watch YouTube videos of important monthly current affairs focused on SSC pattern. During my training days, I learned that for scoring 100% in English, one should study solved question papers of the English section spanning the past 10 years at least.
This will be enough to cover the English syllabus. Latest books for aptitude can include books of 7300+ SSC Mathematics by Rakesh Yadav and Competitive Mathematics (Arithmetic + Advance) by Abhinay Sir.
My take is that one should enroll in the online test series and give all levels of test. Also, set the room and mental preparation to that of the real exam. Solving the questions in time constraint will put one on the edge during exam pressure.
Could you explain the physical round post prelims, and share your preparation tips for it?
SSC CPO Physical Test is qualifying in nature but it is mandatory to appear for the exam and it is divided into two tests, Physical Endurance Test (PET) and Physical Standard Test (PST). In the Physical Endurance Test one needs to qualify in four activities. For girls, high jump of 0.9m in 3 chances, long jump of 2.7m in 3 chances, 100m race in 18 seconds and 800m race in 4 minutes. Whereas for boys, high jump of 1.2 m in 3 chances, long jump of 3.65m in 3 chances, 100m race in 16 seconds and 1600m in 6.5 minutes and shot put (16lbs) 4.5m in 3 chances.
Physical Standard Test includes tests of physical standards like height, weight and chest (only males). One must qualify for the minimum requirement. However, there is relaxation for Scheduled Tribes and those hailing from hilly areas of India. It is suggested to carry an ST certificate with you during the physical test.
If one is a sporty person or exercises regularly, PST/PET is not tough to clear. But it is best advised to maintain pace and performance especially for the run of 800m for girls and 1600m for boys. Do not hurt yourself during practice and keep track of your performance. There is no grace mark in the physical exam. Strict monitoring and videos are recorded to double check errors in the human eye.
What criteria must be met for individuals to pass the medical test successfully?
Medical test is also divided into two categories, i) Eyesight with minimum near and distant vision and ii) Physical and mental health where knock knees, flat foot, varicose veins, squint eyes, blood pressure, ears, etc. are checked. It is best to take a prior medical test and correct necessary ineligibility, especially eyesight which can be corrected through surgery. Having tattoos are generally not eligible but there is certain relaxation for tattoos of religious and traditional contents, location and size.
How can candidates effectively prepare for the mains?
Solving test series and previous years’ question papers prepare you effectively for the mains paper and boost your morale and confidence to perform well in the exam. There is a time limit of 2 hours for mains paper but 2 hours is sufficient to complete 200 questions. One will get enough time to revisit all the questions and cross check the answers.
Could you share your training experience and offer advice for aspiring candidates?
Training for all CAPFs is different and the course plan also varies. For Delhi Police, focus was given more on knowledge of law, working of policing and community policing. Physical training was not as tough as other CAPFs however all basic physical training and qualification were to be made. Exams were conducted in two terms and one can be detained in the first term and rejoin the next batch if failed. Minimum 11 months is required for basic camp training and after passing out, a year course of different modules is required to be completed in allotted police stations before becoming a fully-fledged Investigation Officer.
People with different food habits, climate and social accommodation usually face challenges during training. Nevertheless, if you end up with good friends and company, training could be the best time of the whole journey.
How can individuals cope with the stress induced by exams?
After 2016, SSC exams have become quite competitive. Gone are the days when mere 60+ marks could get us a central government job. With the penetration of the internet, sources of information and knowledge have become easily accessible that every aspirant is highly knowledgeable. Now the result comes to hard work and smart work. For all kinds of exams, if you are missing out on solving previous years’ question papers, make a study plan to include them. To de-stress, take time to meet friends preparing for the same exam and have group discussions. Get an overview analysis of your preparation from time to time to give you a better direction of commitment.
Any message that you would like to share?
The inducement of civil services of central as well as state level does not get the same pressure as this exam. A Grade ‘C’ job at home state is perceived as more comfortable than a Grade ‘B’ job. Promotion prospects in Delhi Police are not attractive and it is a highly demanding job. Further, all-India posting may be another demotivating factor. In recent trends, I have noticed that competition is tougher for male candidates than females, and due to field job profiles, less females are interested. I believe the employment crunch in Nagaland will help encourage more female candidates to consider this job.
Being out in nature makes you feel _____
Favourite type of exercise
Running. My favourite part is thinking while running. Appreciating nature’s gifts and living the moment.
Your go-to dish to cook
Anything cheesy.