Published on May 20, 2021
Dimapur, May 19 (EMN): The Nagaland State Pharmacy Council (NSPC) has appealed to all its registered members to stand with the government and civil societies and be role models as healthcare professionals with the best of its technical knowledge to save the society saying this is the best time where pharmacists could contribute to the society on a larger scale.
The council Registrar, Khele Thorie, appealed to all the registered pharmacists not to step back or hesitate from duty on the ground of pandemic crisis but instead recall the ‘Pharmaceutical Code of Ethics, Professional Etiquette and Pharmacists Oath’ laid down in the Pharmacy Practice Regulation 2015.
The council also urged its registered members especially the community pharmacists to desist from any illegal practice in rendering services and duties including hoarding of medical equipment and supplies, charging of exorbitant rates on medical items and drugs, illegal practices such as black marketing etc. It warned that contravening/ failure to adhere to the notification would be liable for disciplinary action as per the provision of the rules and regulations of the pharmacy profession under appropriate sections and Acts of the law.
Meanwhile, the council has lauded and appreciated the pharmacists for doing commendable jobs since the outbreak of the pandemic. The council further appealed to all the registered pharmacists- be it hospital, clinical, community pharmacists (wholesale/ retail pharmacy) and regulators to be on firm footing during the pandemic crisis.