Published on Aug 28, 2020
Dimapur, Aug. 27 (EMN): The Directorate of School Education (DoSE) has notified that the Ministry of Education, in partnership with MyGov, will be organising an online competition for teachers on "Preparation of Communication Material" relating to National Education Policy (NEP-2020).
The participating teachers from both government and private schools will have to prepare communication material on different themes of NEP 2020 related to school education, it informed.
The communication material can be either of the formats -- film: Duration - 1 to 2 minutes, in MP4 format; posters: Poster size- 12" x 8"; infographics: In the form of power point presentation or slides.
The competition will be held at school-level from September 5 to the 25th. School heads shall select two best entries under each format and forward them through email to the respective district education officers on or before September 29. Details of participants (name, mobile number, email and name of school) should be mentioned in all the entries, it informed.
The district education officers shall select best three entries under each format and forward them to the director, SCERT, Kohima, Nagaland through email to ‘’ and CC to ‘’ on or before October 7.
Ten best entries, irrespective of theme and format, at State level will be exhibited in the state Education department website from October 15 onwards and then will be submitted for national level selection to NCERT.
Participants are informed to note that the entries submitted by them, may be used by the Ministry of Education in future and the submission of entry will be treated as the permission for the same on behalf of the participant.