Published on Jan 31, 2024
DIMAPUR — Nagaland State Transport (NST) has revised the fare and weekly operational schedule of helicopter services, which would be effective from January 31.
An update from NST general manager, Shikaho P Yeptho, informed that at least 48 hours requisition should be submitted to the GM’s office for chartering. He added that an additional 10 minutes flying time should be added for flying from hanger to apron and vice-versa for chartering cases.
The release stated that fit-to-fly certificate of the patient duly certified by a registered medical practitioner would be mandatory in case of medical evacuation.
It stated that the passenger carrying capacity for every sector would depend upon the load/ weight of the passengers and maximum bagged of 5 kg per passenger.
It added that the operation of state helicopter service would be subjected to weather and technical conditions.
It further stated that the operation of service on every sector would be subjected to availability of at least 80% load factor on both ways and availability of safe landing helipad.