Published on Oct 3, 2022
In this contemporary World of life in a fast lane of highly advanced hi-tech, when Nations, Countries and People are talking about 5Gs, Smart City, Smart Town, Smart Village and Smart Living, the aggrieved teachers (ANATG-2015), without basic amenities and with no other option left than to resort to 'Hunger Strike' is so unfortunate, distasteful and preposterously leaving a reeking aura of fetid atmosphere in bad light.
The hopelessly aggrieved 'Noble Teachers' who had no other choice but to call for this 'Extreme Step' which perhaps is the last resort for agitation in a People's Democratic Government speaks volumes of an indifferently loveless attitude and repugnant apathy of the authority concerned towards the teachers who otherwise are respected and considered as 'Noble Professionals' the World over, except not so in our beloved Nagaland.
The Ad-hoc teachers who had been relegating their duties and responsibilities for 8-10 years after which were subjected to face 'Suitability Test' in 2015 and still not regularised even in the long 7 years is so ironical and a 'Tragic Comedy'.
The teachers, in order to fulfill the criteria and credential had to put in their efforts for 8-10 years as Ad-hoc teachers and who faced the suitability test in 2015 had already staked their precious 16-17 years and I believe, most of them could now be 'Overaged' to look for other jobs.
But despite these facts, the competent authority turning cold shoulders towards its bonafide employees and citizen is nothing short of a foul kick below the belt, and also a heartless attitude of "Live And Let Die" mindset.
Now, the authorities, instead of addressing the grievances of the aggrieved teachers, still offering to forming an HPC is nothing but a sugar coated facsimile facade of a treacherous and sinister ploy of delay tactic to procrastinating the issue on and on.
The amusing drama, yet a ludicrous joke is, could the competent authority come to this HPC formation, after all these 7 years???
Secondly, the authorities are pointing their fingers towards the 'Court Order', but mind you, though we all know that there is a 'Seperation of Power' as in Legislative Power, Executive Power and Judicial power, yet no matter what, the bottom line is each and every power whatsoever is a formation of people's Government, sworn in to serve, to protect, to defend and to address it's citizen, and hence if the authority are truly and sincerely concerned, then anything could be discussed, shared and expressed amongst these respective authoritative powers and a conducive solution and possibilities be simply and easily worked out to attend to the impending issue but which unfortunately is not so in this case.
Having said all, the higher and competent authority must remember, that while the high power players are gleefully trading these finger pointing blame game, you should also understand that the deserving teachers, who could mostly be the sole 'Breadwinners' for their dependent children and families are suffering silently and with no fault of theirs, are made to bite the dust...yet again.
Nota Bene: The above statement are all expressed in my individual capacity and does not reflect the views of any organisation that I may represent.
AV Chophi_Nagason
Dimapur: Nagaland