Published on May 22, 2024
DIMAPUR — K Zungkum, president of the Yimkhuing Region of Z Royim-led Naga National Council (NNC) (Parent Body), has refuted the claim that Royim has been removed from the NNC setup, describing the claims as “false and baseless”.
In a rejoinder, he stated that the Yimkhuing Region is stable and intact, standing firmly with the collective leadership. He emphasised that the region does not possess the power to expel or remove a loyal, humble, and patriotic leader like Royim, who is the president of NNC (PB).
He stressed that the region has no issues, claims, or grievances against him, nor is there any misunderstanding between them, and condemned the ‘ignorant and cheap propaganda’ spread by some individuals with ‘false and fabricated stories’ to serve their own selfish personal interests.
He added that Royim has been a Naga national freedom fighter for many decades. Under his leadership, the organisation submitted memoranda to the United Nations Organisation and seven great nations for the national cause, as well as participated in various political talks with the Government of India.
Also read: NNC (PB) president allocates portfolios; YRC states Royim is expelled