
Nagaland Ought to Elect a 'Common, Consensus Naga Candidate'Uncontest/Unopposed for Lok Sabha Elections 2024

Published on Jan 11, 2024




Electorally Nagaland State just sends a single elected member of parliament in the Lok Sabha out of the overall 543 LS members. In that sense, it becomes all the more important to send a strong political message to entire Indian population by sending a common, consensus Naga candidate; looking towards final Naga Solution, for ushering in eternal peace and prosperity. The sacrificial act will show our Naga's deep desire for ending the 7 decades old political struggle which has cost the Nagas more than 100,000 precious lives.

As it is common knowledge that Naga issue is at a 'critical cross-roads' and at an 'extremely delicate and highly advance stage', with the country's highest executive authority the Prime Minister evincing a keen interest to ink a final peace accord with the Nagas effectively ending once and for all 'the mother of all insurgency in India'. With such an apparent golden political atmosphere coupled with an opportunity to end decades old violence; the need of hour is for political parties of all colours and individuals to come under one political understanding.

It may be mentioned that in recent media briefing NPCC President S. Supongmeren Jamir stated that Nagaland Congress will contest in the forthcoming Lok Sabha elections 2024. It also stated Nagaland Congress election committee has also been approved by AICC. Regarding such political moves, I as a highly concerned political leader and Ex. MP Lok Sabha National People's Party candidate humbly appeal to the NAGALAND CONGRESS not to field candidate by taking unilateral decision which will bring great disunity and discord among the Nagas, otherwise the Nagas in general and particularly future Naga generations will never forgive Congress for such a vested interest political stance. The Congress party's electoral journey in 2009, 2014 and 2019 Lok Sabha elections have all ended in successive defeats, moreover currently the Congress does not have a single elected MLA in the 14th NLA.

Currently Nagaland's political landscape with all its 14th NLA 60 Members are exhibiting an "Inspiring political unity" like never before without any opposition, despite 8 different political parties viz. NDPP, BJP, NCP, NPP, NPF, LJP, RPI (A) and JD (U) having different ideological doctrines. Even the 4 independent MLA 's are in sync with the current political dynamics.

Appreciably, the JD (U) which is a leading player and cementing force in the INDIA opposition national alliance alongside the Congress party; for the sake of larger Naga national interest supports the 'Naga unity government'. The Congress in Nagaland too must learn from the political maturity and far-sightedness exhibited by the JD (U).

Let all political parties in Nagaland including the Congress gather together in choosing a 'common, consensus Naga candidate' to make him win electorally uncontested. Such victory marking first Lok Sabha unopposed win since Nagaland attained Statehood in 1963 shall be a "Big Message" to Delhi and entire Indian population for Nagas earnest desire for final Solution.

Hayithung Bill Lotha

Ex. MP Lok Sabha Candidate representing National People's Party (NPP), 2019

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