
Naga Hoho reposes faith in PM Narendra Modi to resolve protracted Naga political issue

Published on Jul 21, 2022




Dimapur, July 20 (EMN): The Naga Hoho has said that the only way forward to resolve the protracted Naga political issue and bring about a “permanent and early solution” is for Prime Minister Narendra Modi to personally monitor the Indo-Naga peace talks.

“As the nature of the case requires and demands a political solution, the Hon’ble Prime Minister must demonstrate statesmanship and will in the political leadership to personally monitor the talk which is the only way forward to resolve the issue,” read the memorandum to the Prime Minister appended by Naga Hoho president, HK Zhimomi, and general secretary, K Elu Ndang.

It stated that while addressing the core issue on Naga political process, India as one of the strong contenders in global leadership must creatively and realistically formulate a mutually agreeable proposal to resolving the protracted political conflict.

The Hoho also urged the prime minister to remember how the peace process was initiated by the Government of India in 1997 with three conditions -- talks should be unconditional, talks should be at the highest level (the Prime Ministerial level) and venue of the talk should be outside India (in a third country).

It insisted that in order to create a favourable environment for constructive engagement, GoI must repeal the “infamous” Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act (AFSPA) of 1958 from all the Naga-inhabited areas.

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It said the signing of the “historic” Framework Agreement between the GoI and the NSCN on August 3, 2015, under Modi’s guidance and leadership brought about “great joy and hope to the Naga people”, but the Naga people have become “very restive” today with the way peace talks have been conducted.

“Now, seven years have gone since the signing of the agreement but instead of resolving the issue, the negotiation has run into brinkmanship,” it said, adding that the anticipated solution could have arrived early had the government of India translated the framework into a practical reality.

“The Naga people are now polarised between the two agreements -- the Framework Agreement of 2015 and the Agreed Position of 2017. It is tragic that the long cherished dream of the Naga people to solve the Naga political issue, which was then so close, is now apparently a distant dream,” it stated.

Maintaining that the delicate nature of the Naga political issue requires introspection of how the past agreements of 9-Point Agreement in 1947, 16-Point Agreement of 1960 and the infamous Shillong Accord of 1975 had failed to bring about lasting peace between the government of India and the Nagas, it said “employing the same method to resolve the Naga issue will only breed more suspicion than understanding between the two parties”.

 It said that its desire is to bring durable peace between India and the Nagas in the spirit of peaceful co-existence as agreed in the Framework Agreement.

“We are confident that under your strong leadership, Naga political issue will find an honourable solution which is acceptable to both the parties and bring about enduring peace in this strategic geographical location which is considered as a gateway to the South East Asian countries,” the memorandum stated, adding that Naga people yearn for permanent peace with India during Modi’s time.

“Let us remind each other that Naga people will be truthful and committed towards making Nagaland a strong regional ally of India,” it added.