
Mary Help of Christians Parish in Jakhama celebrates 50th anniversary

Published on Apr 22, 2024



Christians Parish
Jubilee choir pose for a photograph during the golden jubilee celebration of Mary Help of Christians Parish in Jakhama on April 20. (EM Images)

KOHIMA — Marking its golden jubilee, the Mary Help of Christians Parish in Jakhama on April 20 held a reverent eucharist on the theme 'My soul magnifies the Lord! My spirit rejoices in God my savior' (Luke 1:46).

During the service, Rev. Dr. James Thoppil, bishop of Kohima diocese, stressed the significance of gratitude, repentance and renewal. Drawing passages from Leviticus 25:8-18, Ephesians 3:14-21 and Luke 1:46-57, he urged the faithful to honour the pioneers' steadfast faith, which laid the foundation of the Catholic community in their parish.

Dr. Thoppil extended his gratitude to the Jesuit Society and the sisters of the Apostolic Carmel for their invaluable contributions. He highlighted the sentiments expressed by Pope Francis, urging reflection on the past with gratitude, living the present with fervour and embracing the future with hope.

Emphasising the importance of upholding Catholic principles and values, the bishop called upon the faithful to lead their lives characterised by service, sacrifice and detachment from worldly pursuits, reflecting the teachings of St. Paul to comprehend the depth of Christ's love and be filled with the fullness of God.

Rev. Fr. Melvil Pereira SJ, regional superior of Kohima Jesuits, recounted the parish's humble beginnings in 1959 and its remarkable growth. Commending the parishioners for their dedication, he encouraged them to continue spreading the values of Jesus Christ through words and actions.

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Patton SJ, the parish priest, expressed gratitude for establishing the parish and growth under the guidance of Fr. Stany Coelho SJ. With 3,541 members and significant clergies, he affirmed their resilience, unity and love.

During the jubilee mass, 51 confirmands received confirmation and 62 first holy communicants received communion.

The jubilee saw the attendance of about 50 priests, 55 nuns and 2,500 faithful.

Rokovizo John Meze led the service, while the entrance procession was performed members of by St. Joseph's Church, Viswema. Scriptures were read by catechist Kronosa Cornelius, Noswenu Alice and Rev. Fr. Gregory Coelho, SJ while prayer of the faithful was administered by Zakievoto Zakaria.

During the cultural event led by Neizosie-o Jude and Viyiesenu Margaret, St. Joseph's Church, Viswema, performed a folk tune, while jubilee greetings were shared by Saku Francis Xavier.

Hoketozo Raphael presented a song, while choreography was performed by members of St. Michael's Church, Kigwema and ‘tati’ was performed by members of St. Luke's Church, Mima.