Published on Feb 13, 2024
DIMAPUR — The Lions Club of Kohima (LCK) organised a programme for the annual visitation of district governor, Lion Dr. Shantanu Lahkar, PMJF, on February 12 at Hotel Ura in Kohima.
Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Lahkar commended the members of the club for their dedication to serving humanity and fostering the growth of the club, an update from LCK stated.
He highlighted that the Lions Club of Kohima (LCK), chartered in 1978, is one of the oldest clubs in the region. The district governor encouraged the club leaders to continue inducting more members as the club's activities are expected to increase in the future.
Dr. Lahkar, who joined the Lions Club of Dibrugarh in 1983, has played significant roles within the organisation, including as club president, zone chairman and district chairperson, for over 15 years. He played a pivotal role in establishing four clubs and organising the district conference at Dibrugarh in 2009.
Recognised for his exemplary service, he has received several awards, including the DG Appreciation Award, the Excellent District Chairman Award and the Outstanding President Award.
Beyond his contributions to Lions Club International, Dr. Lahkar is also known for his professional achievements. He was a fellow of the Indo-German Orthopedics Foundation, Germany, where he received specialised training in trauma in 1996. Additionally, he served as the head of the department of Orthopaedics at Assam Medical College, Dibrugarh.
During his annual visitation to the Lions Club of Kohima, Dr. Lahkar was accompanied by vice district governor – II, Lion Lalit Kumar Kothari, GMT chairperson, Lion Neena Dutta, district chairperson for Club Reporting and My Lions Apps, Lion Neeta Agrawal and senior member of Dimapur Blue Venda, Lion Atoni Wotsa.
Expressing gratitude for Dr. Lahkar's visit, LCK president Lion Oken Jeet Sandham remarked, "Your dedication to the principles of Lionism serves as a beacon of hope and encouragement for us to continue our journey of service with renewed vigour and determination."
"Your presence here today signifies not only your dedication to the values and mission of Lions Club International but also your commitment to service and making a positive difference in the world," the LCK president added.
During the DG’s visit, the induction of two new members - Ketoukholie Whuorie and T Methna Konyak - was proposed, while LCK secretary, Lion Kaikho Dawman, presented the club report.
Earlier, first vice president of LCK, Lion Talimayang Jamir, invoked god’s blessings and LCK treasurer Lion Talitemsu Jamir, delivered vote of thanks. LCK senior member, Lion Dr Wapang, served as the master of ceremony on the occasion.