
ICT workshop on capacity building concludes

Published on Mar 7, 2024



ICT workshop on capacity building concludes
Prof. K Srinivas with faculty members of SAS: NU and others on the concluding day of the ICT workshop on capacity building at SAS: NU Medziphema campus, on March 6.

DIMAPUR — The three-day faculty development programme and ICT workshop on capacity building in School of Agricultural Science, Nagaland University (SAS: NU) for all faculty of NU: SAS and NU: SET campuses, concluded on March 6.

The workshop on the theme ‘Design, develop and deliver online/blended learning courses,’ was sponsored by the National Institute of Educational Panning and Administration, New Delhi, and organised by School of Agricultural Science Nagaland University (SAS: NU), Medziphema campus, an update stated.

The resource person Prof. K Srinivas, in his speech, requested the faculty to use the e-learning tools for enhancing online teaching and to provide quality inputs.

He opined that all the ICT tools are to facilitate smoother learning for students but that the one-on-one human interactions cannot be replaced. Teachers should be empathetic, interested, enthusiastic and must keep updating their knowledge.

Srinivas also said that teachers must be ready to unlearn, relearn and reskill if they are to stay relevant. Only then can a positive environment and positive attitude be brought about. He also stated that late learning means learning the latest.

Prof. VK Vidyarthi, dean of NU: SET, in his closing remarks, informed that 10 technical sessions on various e-resources and its applications along with hands-on experiential learning were conducted during the three-day workshop.

He also said that online classes would continue for another 30 days through Google classroom with Prof. K Srinivas as the facilitator.

Feedbacks were given by the participants while vote of thanks was pronounced by Prof. Malini B Sharma.  The closing programme was chaired by Prof. Akali Sema, pro vice chancellor of NU: SAS.

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