Published on Aug 13, 2020
Our Correspondent
Kohima, Aug. 12 (EMN): President of Nagaland Press Association (NPA), H Chishi formally released an e-book titled "The Destiny," written by a senior journalist and author Oken Jeet Sandham at Tibet Kitchen in Kohima on August 12.
"The Destiny" is a love story of how Aneile Kenye reunited with her husband Sandham and children after spending more than a decade in a hospital.
The book, which has 13 chapters including some photographs, is a reflection of the love shared between Sandham and his beloved wife, who set out their journey together in the winter of 1986 in Kohima.
Eastern Mirror had earlier reported how Kenye returned home to her family after being hospitalised in ICU at Naga Hospital Authority Kohima (NHAK) for more than 10 years following a brain tumour on August 30, 2009.
It may be mentioned that subsequent to the order of converting NHAK into Covid-19 hospital on March 28, Kenye was taken out on March 30 to their rented home near the facility.
Speaking during the launch event, Chishi lauded Sandham for writing the book on his wife and said even the ‘title itself speaks volumes.’
"The book really befits the inside of you (Sandham) which you have jotted down," he said.
Attributing the book as "the work and plan of the Almighty,” he reminded that "God's plans are greater than ours and that He has a plan for everybody".
He hoped that the book would serve as an encouragement to those who are in ‘critical situations.’
“This would really influence the rest of the people, who are either in a situation like you or maybe even more worse," Chishi stated.
He said Sandham's patience and perseverance towards his wife have paid dividend. "God has in-store something better for you," Chishi reminded his colleague.
Chishi also recollected his close association with Sandham for over 20 years as journalists, who travelled and spent time together writing stories.
Mentioning that Sandham had produced "some good books" including "The Destiny," Chishi asked the author to inspire more people through his writings.
Recalling how his wife was rushed to an ICU after she collapsed and those trying times that his family had to face, Sandham said he first began writing the book last Good Friday.
“The Destiny was on my wife Aneile Kenye, who was discharged from the ICU of NHAK on March 30, 2020, after staying there for more than 10 years," the author narrated.
"Her discharge from an ICU brings her 'the destiny' to unite with me and our children," he said adding that, "This turn of event hugely influenced me to write a book on her and finally it came to "The Destiny," he said.
The book launch programme was held with minimum attendance by observing all the Covid-19 protocols and social distancing and using face masks.
The e-book is available online in Amazon and is priced at INR 250 and the paperback at INR 300.