Published on Dec 21, 2023
DIMAPUR — The Chümoukedima Gorkha Union (CGU) celebrated its silver jubilee on Wednesday at the CTC Hall in Chümoukedima town on the theme ‘New thinking, new possibilities’. Kevithuto Sophie, Commissioner of Police, Dimapur, attended the occasion as the chief guest.
In his address, Sophie lauded CGU for having the vision to establish the union 25 years ago and remarked that a vibrant society is an inclusive one. He encouraged CGU members to contribute not just to the Gorkha community but also to the growth of Nagas in general.
The guest of honour for the celebration was Nobin Pradhan, president of the Nagaland Gorkha Association. Speaking on the occasion, he urged the gathering to integrate and contribute to the Naga society where they reside.
Special invitee Lhousito Khro, president of the Naga Tribal Union, Chümoukedima town, noted in his speech that Gorkhas are a peaceful community with a long history in and around India since the British era. He described Gorkhas as hardworking people and advised that their strong work ethic should continue. He also urged unity within the Gorkha community.
The programme was chaired by Manju Pradhan, youth pastor of Nepali Baptist Church, Chümoukedima, while the invocation was delivered by Samuel Chettri, pastor of the Nagamese Baptist Church, Chümoukedima. Gopal Lama, president of CGU, gave the presidential address.
A souvenir was also released to mark the occasion.