
Christmas Vigil mass celebrated at SFS parish in Kohima

Published on Dec 26, 2020



A Christmas crib displaying the Nativity scene at the entrance of St. Francis de Sales parish in Kohima town. (EM Images)

Our Correspondent

Kohima, Dec. 24 (EMN): Christmas Vigil mass being was celebrated at St. Francis de Sales (SFS) on Dec. 24 evening in Kohima Town.

Rev. Fr. John SDB said that Christmas is a "spiritual marriage" between God and man and that Almighty comes into the world to "set us free from sins" on such occasion. He was delivering sermon as the main celebrant during the Christmas Vigil mass.

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The priest who came from Sechü-Zubza shared the historical birth of Christ.

John said Mary and Joseph confronted angels who told them that they were to be the parents of Jesus who "will save the people from the sins".

"God took risks to make Mary the mother of Christ," he said while adding how Joseph took care of her as his wife as a "righteous man" who saved both the Mother and Son.

Father therefore, reminded the faithful to emulate the examples of Joseph to "take Mother Mary into our hearts" . "As Catholics, we always show our love to Mary and a place for Her in our hearts,"John said.

He also mentioned about 'love which is the fulfillment of the law,' while reminding believers to love one another.

The Reverend said that Christmas is a "time of rejoicing and happiness as God comes to us in the form of man".

Further, John called upon the faithful to spread love, joy and peace in the families and society. The priest later placed the "Baby Jesus" into the crib at the entrance of the church displaying the Nativity scene as per the Christmas tradition.

Meanwhile, another Vigil Eucharist was simultaneously celebrated at the parish hall with Rev.Fr. Gabriel Gaikhang assistant priest of SFS, as the main celebrant.

As per the Covid-19 standard operating protocol, every parishioner entering the mass wore facemask, their hands senitised and were thermal screened while social distancing maintained.

A church member was also seen thoroughly spraying disinfectants both in and outside of the parish after the Eucharist, while parishioners exchanged Christmas greetings without shaking hands.

SFS parish situated in the heart of capital city has a large membership following from different tribes and races in almost all the colonies in Kohima.

With relaxation in the pandemic lockdown, the church recently re-opened with strict protocols by allowing only a limited number of parishioners to attend mass at a time.

A part of parishioners will attend the Eucharist on Christmas Day while the faithful present for the Vigil mass will not mingle with the congregation on the 25th of December as per the SOPs of the church.