Published on Oct 2, 2022
Our Correspondent
Kohima, Oct. 1 (EMN): Along with the rest of the country, Voluntary Blood Donors’ Association Kohima (VBDAK) observed the National Voluntary Blood Donation Day at Mount Olive College, Kohima, on October 1 with the project director of Nagaland State Aids Control Society (NSACS), Dr. Akuo Sorhie, as special guest on the theme "Donating blood is an act of solidarity, Join the effort to save lives."
Speaking at the occasion, Dr. Sorhi underlined the importance of the day, which is celebrated to sensitise the people on the facts and myths about blood donation and to overcome the fear, ignorance and misconception associated with the noble cause.
The official urged the voluntary blood donors to continue to be ambassadors and link to the noble act of life saving. She maintained that blood is a vital component of human life and blood transfusion is required in many surgical and emergency wherein blood donors play a vital role.
Marking the occasion, the blood bank at Naga Hospital Authority Kohima (NHAK) awarded certificates to three organisations in recognition of their yeomen services namely Voluntary Blood Donors’ Association Kohima (VBDAK), Blood Caritas, and Network of Blood Donors.
It may be noted that VBDAK has been assisting many patients in times of emergency through voluntary blood donation and to keep that momentum and help the people in times of need, it has launched an Android apps called the "Nagaland blood donors" in play store.
In this regard, VBDAK has appealed to the people to download and get registered as a voluntary blood donor to donate as well as to receive blood in times of need.
The event was jointly supported by Nagaland Aids Control Society (NSACS), Blood Band NHAK, Red Ribbon Club (RRC) of MOCK, Mopungchuket Students’ Union Kohima and Imprint and Fusion Press.
A keynote address was delivered by Ainato Yeptho, president of VBDAK, while the nodal officer of RRC-MOCK and head Education department, Vetoli Chophy, chaired the programme and the welcome address was delivered by MOCK acting principal, Swedezhono Tsukru. It concluded with the vote of thanks proposed by life time member of VBDAK, Avilie Sekhose
Altogether, 32 volunteers donated blood on the occasion.