Published on Aug 29, 2020
Dimapur, Aug. 29 (EMN): A co-ordination meeting on human trafficking was convened by Amrat Talitha Kum India, Hope Charitable Foundation (HCF), North East India Regional Bishops’ Council Commission for Ecumenism (NEIRBC), Set Them Free (STF), a network of likeminded individuals and organisations on anti-human trafficking on August 25, to augment the activities of anti-human trafficking.
During the meeting, Sr. Annie of Jesus FMM, Chhattisgarh shared her experience while working with self help groups (SHG) and the rescue of trafficked victims.
[bsa_pro_ad_space id=6]“The women in self help group had been the backbone of our work to combat human trafficking,” he said.
Human traffickers are from our own communities including blood relations like uncles and aunts, it was informed.
So far, 56 traffickers were taken into task and they are behind the bars.
Fr. Martin Puthussery, who heads the office of labour and migration of ISI, Bangalore, shared his experiences -- achievements and challenges -- while working with migrants from the year 2011. He narrated a few cases of death of the migrants and the sufferings of bonded labourers.
Sr. Dhanam from Delhi also shared various incidents of the successful rescue of victims of human trafficking through networks. She said that networking is a must when it comes to working for this cause.
Fr. Valaerian, the director of Purvanchal Pragati Samaj, from Guwahati enlightened the participants by sharing his network. He said both physical and virtual platforms are keys to the success of a network. The churches in Northeast India have massive reach out and it can easily network with like-minded people to disseminate information, rescue and rehabilitate, he added.
Fr. Jaison Vadassery, executive secretary of Conference of Catholic Bishops of India and International Catholic Migrants Commission, stressed on the need to identify NGOs and others who are working on the anti-human trafficking issue and to create a database of information for the network.
‘If we have to be successful in our mission,’ he said, ‘information has to be shared nationally and internationally.’
Amrit Goldsmith, an honorary secret tray of Assam Christian Forum said that ACF and UCFNEI are the largest body of churches in Assam and Northeast India. The church leadership is committed and will continue its bold initiatives along with others to contain human trafficking.
An ecumenical directory consisting of the details of organisation and networks on migrant labourers and antihuman trafficking was suggested by the participants.