This life’s not over though some may think so.
We still have miles to travel; many places to go.
The road stretches on past every unkind bend.
We have the will to carry on; a cause to defend.
Shattered dreams we’ll revive.
Broken hearts can still survive.
And yes! We’re alive to amend
What the world calls “The end”
We don’t look down at the broken crayons-
They could still light life’s empty pages on
By filling them with colours of the rainbow,
And reminding us of God’s everlasting vow.
This life is not our own;
Soul has always known.
Broken but kept going,
It’s the Master’s doing.
We have chance to do best,
Till we finally come to rest.
So mock not when you find us down.
We’re also seeds that God has sown.
A Anato Swu